May 15, 2021

New York concert - rehearsal interview (23 Sep 1981)

From original broadcast of concert excerpts (released on DVD in 2007).

"We want to play Studio 54, because we're very impressed of the idea that this trendsetting disco is gonna start to promote live shows. They made a deliberate effort to encourage live music, and we wanna support this. Also, there's the opportunity to film the show. I mean, TV is a very personal media, and we're gonna be able to invade people's homes. And I like that idea, I mean, people are going to be able to see us as we really are. Most people, in order to get anywhere in this music business, have got to water down their ideas a lot. And you gotta become very middle-of-the-road, so that the general public feel comfortable enough to go out and buy your records. But that just wouldn't work with us. So far, I think we've managed to keep our personal identity, and it's very important to us. We've now got this great opportunity to communicate with a lot of people without having to compromise at all. I think doing this film is going to help people understand us. I think photos can be very misleading. And I think some people are put off by the way we look. But I want people to know that it's not a gimmick, it's just our own personal style. And I'm very concerned with personal freedom. I think looking the way you want to look is a very small freedom that you should enjoy, if you have the opportunity. I just feel I wanna be creative in everything I do. But I want people to understand that we're real. And I want them to know that our music means something to us. I mean, it's our whole life. We're very independent, and we wanna survive. I think it's important to try and create without compromise, because that's the only way to progress. And I'm not interested in being a Top Ten artist if that means being a clone of the next one. I wanna be myself. I think there are a lot of individuals out there who'd enjoy what we do and have affinity with it, but they won't, and that's our way of getting through to them, and that's why we're doing the show."

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