January 21, 2020

Spinach Fizz (recipe by Lene from vegetarian cookbook)

-about a half to one pound of good fresh spinach (depending on how much you like it and the size of your pan)
-1 large onion - chopped
-1-2 cloves of garlic - chopped (optional)
-2 tablespoons oil (enough to cover the bottom of the pan)
-a little lemon juice (optional)

You'll need a large diameter frying pan, as deep as possible, with a lid.

Wash the spinach well and pick out any dodgy bits, breaking up any extra large leaves - let it drain in a colander while you do the rest.

Put oil in the pan and let it get very hot. Test by flicking a drop of water off the end of your finger; it should sizzle immediately. Add chopped onions and keep stirring so they don't burn - when they begin to go soft add the garlic and cook until they start to become transparent.

Now comes the tricky bit. Transfer the semi drained spinach to the pan and cover immediately. You will hear a big 'FIZZ' which will then go quiet.
Cook one minute more and then serve with a squeeze of lemon.